Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Great minds think alike

I have came to realize in this group project two minds are better than one . During this project my partner and I have hit a lot of bumps in the road . Especially when we attempted to do things on our own. In my opinion I feel that when I attempt at a particular task on my own I sometimes think way to much into it and quickly lose focus on that specific task at hand. But when I am in the pleasurable company of my partner , I seem to just take a step back first and assess every goal that needs to be meet . Then I begin working on exactly what needs to be completed . So as I reiterate , two minds are definitely better than one . Something that I feel works exceptionally well in my in my group would be communication . Sometimes it seems like my partner and I just share one single brain, because it seemed like we were always on one accord with the particular parts of the project .I feel Adams said it best when he stated "Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances" -Bryan Adams. I feel that my partner and I have definitely conquered our failures and especially our failures .


  1. I absolutely agree, teamwork is a powerful force! Andrew Carnegie states, "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."When the common goal is established and the avenue by which you plan to get there is evident; then succcess is inevitable.

  2. I agree. I also tend to overthink things when im working on a assignment alone. It helps to have another person there to throw ideas around with. Its kind of like checks and balences in govt, one person doesnt have total say its all a group mentality. I really enjoy working in.groups. It helps.
