Monday, March 5, 2012

Heaven and earth

"Earth has no sorrow that the heavens can not heal"- unkown

        As a child my upbringing was heavily influenced by religious views and religious people. With my father being a preacher and my mother being the youth director at our church , being a infant in the church I really did not understand why we had to get up so early every sunday morning, rush to get dress just to sit and watch my father talk some man that he knew. I often got in trouble in school for questioning my parents motives for their actions. I got in a greater magnitutde of trouble when I question my parents about this man that it seemed everyone had meet but me. They tried repeatedly to explain everything to me but my feenle mind was incapable of grasping the total concept of actually who this man was.
       As I got older I actually started to sit and listen to what my father was saying on those early sunday mornings. As I started to relize that this great man my Father was talking about actually died and rose again.'Now when he rose early on the first day of the week , he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils"-Mark 16:9 . That pretty much freaked me out, but intrigued me to the point where I just had to know about the zombie person. Over the years i have relized that the man is the farthest from a zombie. This man was the greatest man on earth, this man did not have the ability to stay dead. My father gave me this scripture "Ask and it shall be given unto to you ;seek and ye shall find ;Knock,and it shall be opened unto you"-Matthew 7:7, when I ask could he could tell me more about the great man . After I read that picticular scripture almost fifty times ,I finally had grasp just what my father was telling me. So I began on this endevour seeking to finf all the answer to my questions. I must say , it has taken me up until this year at 19 years old to fully understand all those stories my father was talking about. In the world today I am faced with a lot of difficult decisions and/or situations but through all of that I am going through pricks my heart aswell as my mind and brings me back to something my father said or one of his sermons.

       I feel taht by me haveing such a rooted background this world better watch out ! Because I strongly think and feel that i can do anything if i set my mind to it . The question is CAN YOU ?

"I can do all things through christ which strengthens me"- Phillipians 4:13

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