In this blog I am gonna try my best to express in the best fashion i can about why I am attempting to grasp the essence of this writing thing . As a child I was a bit of tom boy and really didn't participate in a lot of girlie activities. I was more of a "Run your ass over now ask questions later type of girl". Of my days of playing football i was the wide receiver all they wanted me to do was run the ball and i really didn't know much else either. Thinking back in my faint memory of the those situations, all i can remember is the sweaty pads of the defenders slamming into face , as i pummel through them . I remember pouncing into the touch down zone and jumping for joy as i watch my teammates trample toward me . after the victories we would go out to eat to celebrate my brother's and I victory .Then it was home for another entry in my diary , to jot down another exciting event . I believe that is where i began my stepping stones into the world of writing .!!!
I believe that our different childhood experiences shape the tone and fashion in which we write. According to our point of view we all express ourselves differently and that is what makes writing so versatile.